Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hmph it's been a very long while since I last posted something here but I've decided to delete the ones before and try to re-write some more, something more me. AHA!
Well I've just finished this module called empathy where we as "future Muslim doctors" studied about how we should have skills to communicate effectively to patients and show our empathy to whatever the patients are dealing with. It was a very interesting module. There were alot of "acting" involved because we had to make a video which really made my last two weeks very enjoyable.
Yesterday was my final exam for this module and we were given an assignment to write a portofolio. This portofolio is not only this module but for the rest of the on going module until I or we become a doctor. *finger crossed while saying "aamiiiiiiiin"* This portofolio should consist of our targets in the future, our most inspirational figure in medicine, our works, our improvements and more. It's not much of a huge task to me. I'm just trying look at it as my own personal formal diary. That's why I'm re-making this, I want to write whatever I think interest me so I can write it down for and into my portofolio. So wish me luck:)